Thrive Thru the Holidays with me!

Hello lovely, Can you believe the holidays are upon us? I'm trying to wrap my brain around it already being November. I think I feel like this every year, and every year I'm shocked that it comes so fast. Then, I vow to stay peaceful, grounded, keep my gift buying to only extremely meaningful experiences or gifts, keep my good digestion intact, and not gain weight. Sound familiar?

A couple years back I created a holiday workshop that has been really popular and useful, but one day just didn't feel like enough! I began to brainstorm about ways that like-minded health sisters could hold each others hands, keep each other accountable, share tips, recipes, and so on...all from our virtual livings rooms. So, I created a 6-week practical, inspirational (online) program for people who refuse to sacrifice their weight, health, and sanity during the holidays. The best part? You get to join me when it's convenient for YOU...and in your pajamas too (if that's your thang). :)

Make the most of this holiday season by joining women like you who want to focus on rejuvenating self-care, nurturing relationships, staying healthy, and enjoying wholesome (yet delicious) foods.

There is never any pressure to show up--these gatherings are simply meant to add joy, empathy, and meaning to your life (not make things busier). Come touch base when you need some inspiration, recipes, time with friends seeking the same support, or just wanna say hello! We’ll lift each other up, motivate and inspire ourselves, and share helpful ideas. The official start date is Nov 14th, but you'll get your Healthy Holiday Game Plan eBook as soon as you sign up! Emails and the private FB community forum will begin on the 14th.

Hop over here to get more details and sign up!