Start This Now and Stay Healthy For Fall

I hope everybody had a glorious summer and soaked in the sun and relaxation that comes with the season. I'm not ready to let go of the sun just yet, but I DO love the fall. Love, love. I love the colors, the pumpkins (and pumpkin spiced rice milk teas :), jeans & sweaters. All of it. However (dun, dun, dunn)...with the fall comes the dreaded flu and cold season. Wanna know what I suggest to all of my 1-on-1 clients about now? Here it is. It's time to get yourself onto a quality, broad spectrum probiotic. Probiotics add healthy bacteria to your digestive tract, creating balance and a strong immunity. Did you know that 70% of your immunity is located there, in your digestive tract?

Why now? Because, it takes up to 3 months for them to really reach full effectiveness. And that will be just in time for cold and flu season, back-to-school, and back-to-busy.

My whole family is on board with this and, frankly, I think we need to be taking these all year round.

Here's a couple other key products in my fall medicine cabinet. The focus in the fall is on building immunity and cleansing. I am a firm believe in using safe and toxin free products and I use alternative products for most common ailments.

Essential Oils I love the doTerra brand line of products. Oregano Oil is anti-fungal, anti-viral, anti-bacterial, and works wonders for respiratory support. We use this if someone gets sick in our house, a few drops in water a few times a day. This has stopped my husbands bronchitis dead in its tracks! And, Elevation blend is perfect for the fall, as days get shorter and our spirits need a lift.

Zinc Lozenges Zinc is my first choice for defense against the viruses that cause the common cold and garden-variety seasonal influenza (btw, this is one mineral most of us are deficient in). A respected medical clearinghouse for medical studies from England shows that common cold sufferers have a better option than chicken soup! To fight a cold you already have, take 15 mg every 2-3 hrs.

Iodine An essential mineral that many people are lacking, myself included. Iodine supports thyroid health, an integral piece of overall hormone health.

Omega 3 Essential Fatty Acids The "good fat" that supports brain health. Be sure to find one that suits your needs: Algae Omega comes from algae and is the choice of vegans and vegetarians. Fish Oil is suitable for omnivores, and must be of high quality. And for your kiddos, the Swirl-To-Go from Barleans is a great way to get the kids on board. Some Mom's swear by it to keep their kids balanced and happy.