Posts tagged zinc
A Ray of Sunshine for Your Health

I'm back after a long pause. The last four-ish months have been a long pause for everyone, in one way or another. I'm guessing it looks different for each of you, but I'm hoping you're doing ok and finding grace where you can.

…One of the things that's making me crazy is how little anybody is talking about what we can do to help our immune systems so we can naturally stave off any viruses in the coming months.

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Start This Now and Stay Healthy For Fall

Wanna know what I suggest to all of my 1-on-1 clients about now? Here it is. It's time to get yourself onto a quality, broad spectrum probiotic. Probiotics add healthy bacteria to your digestive tract, creating balance and a strong immunity. Did you know that 70% of your immunity is located there, in your digestive tract?

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