Posts tagged weight loss
What I REALLY wish I'd told the girls...

I recently led a nutrition workshop for teen girls, something I was passionate about teaching. Was it successful? Did I get across what I wished I had known as a girl? I taught them how to make a healthy plate, so their blood-sugar levels give them all kinds of sustained energy.

But what I REALLY wanted to tell them was this:

I know what it's like to hate your body. To spend years and years trying to perfect it, punish it, starve it, compare it to every other body out there…

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Losing weight is almost NEVER just about the food you eat

Well, for one, it's because "diets" are all about restriction and deprivation, and that's an incredibly hard thing to sustain. I've seen so many women follow a plan perfectly, lose the weight...but then months later gain it back because it wasn't a sustainable plan to begin with. It

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The two reasons you overeat!

Essentially, there is generally one reason that we are overweight and that's because we overeat. I say generally because there ARE times when hormones (this includes insulin, leptin, ghrelin, estrogen, etc.) are dysregulated and that can play a big part of why somebody is having a challenging time with weight loss, but today I want to talk about the two reasons why we overeat and those are...hunger and desire.

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