Posts tagged anti-inflammatory
Why Prebiotics Are a Big Deal

Our current health epidemic and the rise of chronic diseases can be tied to rapid changes in our diet & cultural practices, hyper-sanitization, increasing rates of C-section births, immunizations and antibiotic excesses, decreases in plant food intake, carbohydrate-heavy diets, and the increase in GMO foods.

All these factors have created a recipe for microbiota disruption, dysbiosis (too much bad bacteria), and the loss of ecological diversity.

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Favorite Hormone Balancing Anti-Inflammatory Seed Mix

This seed mix is my favorite hormone balancing anti-inflammatory blend and here's why!

They contain Vitamin E*, Omega 3- and Omega-6 fatty acids, which are essential for hormone production and ovarian follicular function. Also, Vitamin E is really good for the health of your skin.

*Found in flax seeds, sesame, pumpkin, and sunflower seeds…

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Mood boosting maca turmeric tea

This week I'm going to focus on a few foods that improve your mood. Of course, each one helps many different aspects of your health, but my lens is pointed on mood boosting because , well, who doesn't need that a bit more these days!?

Let's start with Maca:

Maca is actually a Peruvian root vegetable that's known as the mother of hormone nourishers.

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